Butterfly room (3-5 years)
The Butterfly room fully supports children to reach their full potential so that they are ready for the next stage of their early years education with great confidence and independence skills.
Children in Butterfly room can pour their own drinks, serve their own foods, wash up their own cutlery and crockery, put their own shoes and coats on and safely use a variety of resources such as scissors.
The Butterfly room environment is a well-resourced area that enables children to select both planned and spontaneous activities.
Our experienced team within the Butterfly room is able to offer various learning programmes such as Woodland School and Early Talk Boost, that provides a wonderous number of opportunities and experiences.
Children enjoy the variety of activities that supports their learning and development holistically, such as arts and crafts, mark making, construction, cookery, small world play, reading, singing sensorial play and much more!
The environment reflects children’s needs and their previous experiences, which enables them to develop their social skills, communication, and language skills. The Butterfly room has lots of visuals that help children to develop their independence and understanding. We strive for children to explore the Butterfly room environment, for them to be active in their learning and think critically for themselves.
Healthy breakfast bar, snack bar system, lunch and tea are provided and children have access to the outdoor area throughout the day.